New Jersey
MS in Molecular and Cellular Integrative Physiology, UC Davis
BS in Biological Sciences with Honors from the University of Rhode Island
In my free time I like to read, make (and eat) baked goods, play video games, and enjoy the outdoors through skiing, hiking, and biking.
Research Interests:
For my thesis project I am examining the effect of folate and folate receptor (Folr1) on axon growth and developmentusing the model organism Xenopus laevis. Folate belongs to theB family of vitaminsand is known for its role in preventing neural tube defects (NTDs), a type of congenital birth defect affecting the formation ofthe spinal cord.Our lab has explored, and is currently exploring, the role of folate receptor in neural tube closure in Xenopus embryos. With my project, I aim to expand this research and look beyond the role of folate and Folr1 in early development to its possible involvement in later stages of neuronal development,and more specifically, axonal outgrowthand morphology.
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