Tian Lab
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Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
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Patriarchi T, Cho JR, Merten K, Howe MW, Marley A, Xiong WH, Folk RW, Broussard GJ, Liang R, Jang MJ, et al. Ultrafast neuronal imaging of dopamine dynamics with designed genetically encoded sensors. Science. 2018 Jun 29;360(6396). pii: eaat4422. doi: 10.1126/science.aat4422. Epub 2018 May 31. PubMed PMID: 29853555.

Mizuno GO, Wang Y, Shi G, Wang Y, Sun J, Papadopoulos S, Broussard GJ, Unger EK, Deng W, Weick J, et al. Aberrant Calcium Signaling in Astrocytes Inhibits Neuronal Excitability in a Human Down Syndrome Stem Cell Model. Cell Rep. 2018 Jul 10;24(2):355-365. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.06.033. PubMed PMID: 29996097.

Gerard Broussard et al., In vivo measurement of afferent activity with axon-specific calcium imaging, accepted, 2018

Patriarchi T, Shen A, He W, Baikoghli M, Cheng RH, Xiang YK, Coleman MA, Tian LNanodelivery of a functional membrane receptor to manipulate cellular phenotype. Sci Rep. 2018 Feb 23;8(1):3556. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-21863-3. PubMed PMID: 29476125; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5824837.

Y. Gao, G. Broussard, A. Haque, A. Revzin, and L. Tian, Functional imaging of neuron-astrocyte interactions in a compartmentalized microfluidic device. Nature: Microsystems & Nanoengineering 2, (2016).

Y. Wang, G. Shi, D. J. Miller, G. Broussard, L. Tian*, and G. Yu*, FASP: A machine learning approach to functional astrocyte phenotyping from time-lapse calcium imaging data. IEEE 13th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 351-354 (2016). *equal contribution

Y. Zhi, G. Shi, D. J. Miller, G. Broussard, L. Tian*, and G. Yu, Graphical Time Warping for Joint Alighment of Multiple Curves. paper 1815, Neural Information Processing Systems, 2016

R. Liang, G. Broussard, and L. Tian, Imaging chemical neurotransmission with genetically encoded fluorescent sensors, ACS chemical neuroscience 6, 84-93 (2015).

L. Qin, M. Fan, D. Candas, G. Jiang, S. Papadopoulos, L. Tian, G. Woloschak, D. J. Grdina, and J. J. Li, CDK1 enhances mitochondrial bioenergetics for radiation-induced DNA repair, Cell reports 13, 2056-2063 (2015).

G. Broussard, R. Liang, & L. Tian, Monitoring activity in neural circuits with genetically encoded indicators, Frontiers in molecular neuroscience 7, 97 (2014).

J. Macklin, J. Akerboom, E. R. Schreiter, L. Tian, R. Patel, V. Iyer, B. Karsh, J. Colonell, and T. D. Harris, Two Photon Photophysics of Fluorescent Protein Calcium Indicators, Biophysical Journal 104, 682a (2013).

J. Akerboom, N. Carreras Calderon, L. Tian et al, Genetically encoded calcium indicators for multi-color neural activity imaging and combination with optogenetics, Frontiers in molecular neuroscience 6, 2 (2013).

J. Marvin, B. G. Borghuis, L. Tian et al. An optimized fluorescent probe for visualizing glutamate neurotransmission, Nature methods 10, 162-170 (2013).

L. Tian, Y. Yang, L. M. Wysocki, A. C. Arnold, A. Hu, B. Ravichandran, S. M. Sternson, L. L. Looger, and L. D. Lavis, Selective esterase-ester pair for targeting small molecules with cellular specificity, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 109, 4756-4761 (2012).

J. Akerboom, T.-W. Chen, T. J. Wardill, L. Tian et al. Optimization of a GCaMP calcium indicator for neural activity imaging. The Journal of neuroscience 32, 13819-13840 (2012).

D. C. Huber, D. A. Gutnisky, S. Peron, D. H. O‚ Connor, J. S. Wiegert, L. Tian, T. G. Oertner, L. L. Looger, and K. Svoboda, Multiple dynamic representations in the motor cortex during sensorimotor learning, Nature 484, 473-478 (2012).

L. Tian, S.A. Hires, & L.L. Looger, Imaging neuronal activity with genetically encoded calcium indicators, Cold Spring Harbor Protocols (2012)

J. Akerboom, L. Tian, J. Marvin, & L.L. Looger, Engineering and application of genetically encoded calcium indicators, Genetically Encoded Functional Indicators 125-147 (2012).

L. Petreanu, D. A. Gutnisky, D. Huber, N.-l. Xu, D. H. O‚ Connor, L. Tian, L. L. Looger, and K. Svoboda, Activity in motor-sensory projections reveals distributed coding in somatosensation, Nature 489, 299-303 (2012).

H.A. Zariwala, B. G. Borghuis, T. M. Hoogland, L. Madisen, L. Tian, C. I. De Zeeuw, H. Zeng, L. L. Looger, K. Svoboda, and T.-W. Chen, A Cre-dependent GCaMP3 reporter mouse for neuronal imaging in vivo, The Journal of Neuroscience 32, 3131-3141 (2012).

Before 2012

B.G. Borghuis, L. Tian, Y. Xu, S. S. Nikonov, N. Vardi, B. V. Zemelman, and L. L. Looger, Imaging light responses of targeted neuron populations in the rodent retina, The Journal of Neuroscience 31, 2855-2867 (2011).

T. Knopfel, M. Z. Lin, A. Levskaya, L. Tian, J. Y. Lin, and E. S. Boyden, Toward the second generation of optogenetic tools, The Journal of Neuroscience 30, 14998-15004 (2010).

D. A. Dombeck, C. D. Harvey, L. Tian, L. Looger, & D. W. Tank, Functional imaging of hippocampal place cells at cellular resolution during virtual navigation, Nature neuroscience 13, 1433-1440 (2010).

L. Tian, S. A. Hires, T. Mao, D. Huber, M. E. Chiappe, S. H. Chalasani, L. Petreanu, J. Akerboom, S. A. McKinney, E. R. Schreiter, C. I. Bargmann, V. Jayaraman, K. Svoboda, L. Looger, Imaging neural activity in worms, flies and mice with improved GCaMP calcium indicators, Nature methods 6, 875-881 (2009).

J. Akerboom, J. D. V. Rivera, M. M. R. Guilbe, L. Tian, S. A. Hires, J. S. Marvin, L. L. Looger, and E. R. Schreiter, Crystal structures of the GCaMP calcium sensor reveal the mechanism of fluorescence signal change and aid rational design, Journal of biological chemistry 284, 6455-6464 (2009).

S. A. Hires, L. Tian, & L. L. Looger, Reporting neural activity with genetically encoded calcium indicators, Brain cell biology 36, 69-86 (2008).

L. Tian, & L. L. Looger, Genetically encoded fluorescent sensors for studying healthy and diseased nervous systems, Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models 5, 27-35 (2008).

L. Tian, & Matouschek, A., Where to start and when to stop, Nature structural & molecular biology 13, 668-670 (2006).

L. Tian, R. A. Holmgren, & A. Matouschek, A conserved processing mechanism regulates the activity of transcription factors Cubitus interruptus and NF-kB, Nature structural & molecular biology 12, 1045-1053 (2005).

A. Matouschek, S. Prakash, L. Tian, & Mensah, K., Protein unfolding by the proteasome, FASEB JOURNAL 18(8), C308-C308 (2004).

S. Prakash, L. Tian, L., K. S. Ratliff, R. E. Lehotzky, & A. Matouschek, An unstructured initiation site is required for efficient proteasome-mediated degradation, Nature structural & molecular biology 11, 830-837 (2004).

Q. Wang, L. Tian, Y. Huang, Q. Song, L. He, J. N. Zhou, Olfactory identification and apolipoprotein E ε4 allele in mild cognitive impairment, Brain research 951, 77-81 (2002).