Postdoctoral Scholars

Yanyu Huang
Yanyu Huang received her Ph.D degree (2016) in Jinan University and worked in Prof. Tianfeng Chen’s lab as a postdoc (2016-2018). After that, she visited Prof. Weibo Cai’s lab in University of Wisconsin- Madison as a visiting scholar (2018). She joined Dr. Kit Lam’s lab in UC Davis as a postdoc in 2019. Currently, her research interest in Lam lab focuses on the rational design of peptide nucleic acid-based nanomedicine for multimodal imaging (PET/MR/NIR imaging) and cancer therapy.
Main Publications
- Yanyu Huang#, Yuanting Fu#, Mengting Li, Dawei Jiang, Christopher J. Kutyreff, Jonathan W. Engle, Xiaoli Lan, Weibo Cai*, Tianfeng Chen*. Chirality-Driven Transportation and Oxidation Prevention by Chiral Selenium Nanoparticles. Angew. Chemi. 2020, 59, 4406-4414 (Frontispiece). IF: 12.257
- Yanhong Duo#, Yanyu Huang#, Weiyuan Liang#, Riming Yuan, Yang Li, Tianfeng Chen,* Han Zhang*. Ultraeffective Cancer Therapy with an Antimonene-Based X-Ray Radiosensitizer. Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 1906010. IF: 15.621
- Yanyu Huang, Chaoming Mei, Yiqiao Tian, Tianqi Nie, Zhuang Liu*, Tianfeng Chen*. Bioinspired Tumor-homing Nanosystem for Precise Cancer Therapy by Reprogramming Tumor-associated Macrophages. NPG Asia Mater., 2018. 10: 1002-1015 (Featured Article). IF: 8.052
- Yiqiao Tian#, Yanyu Huang#, Pan Gao, Tianfeng Chen. Nucleus-targeted DNA tetrahedron as Nanocarrier of Metal Complex for Enhanced Glioma Therapy. Chem. Comm., 2018, 2018, 54, 9394-9397 (Front cover).IF: 6.164
- Yanyu Huang, Wei Huang, Leung Chan, Binwei Zhou, Tianfeng Chen*. A multifunctional DNA origami as carrier of metal complexes to achieve enhanced tumoral delivery and nullified systemic toxicity. Biomaterials, 2016, 103:183-196. IF: 10.273
- Lu Zhang, Yanyu Huang, Aaron Raymond Lindstrom, Tzu-Yin Lin, Kit S Lam, Yuanpei Li*. Peptide-based materials for cancer immunotherapy. Theranostics, 2019, 9, 7807-7825. IF: 8.063

Lucas Solano
Lucas Solano received his B.S degree in Chemistry from Rowan University in 2013 and his Ph. D degree in Integrated Biological Sciences from the University of Minnesota in 2019. Upon his completion joined Lam lab as a postdoc to work on expanding OBOC chemistries and developing small molecule and peptide OBOC libraries. Proteolysis Targeting Chimeras (PROTACs) are heterobifunctional bifunctional molecules that challenge the paradigms of conventional small molecule inhibitors making them an exciting area of research. His research goal is to employ OBOC technologies to PROTACs as a high throughput method for the synthesis and evaluation of tissue specific PROTACs.

Lu Zhang
Research Interests
The diagnosis and treatment of cancer based on biomedical materials (polymer, peptide and inorganic material). Chemical synthesis, assembly and biological applications of these materials.
Research Background
- 2016.9 – Now University of California, Davis, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine Postdoc Advisor: Prof. Kit S Lam
- 2011.9 – 2016.6 Sun Yat-Sen University, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Xintao Shuai
Click on the images to enlarge.
Main Publications
- Lu Zhang#, Di Jing#, Nian Jiang, Tatu Rojalin, Christopher M. Baehr, Dalin Zhang, Wenwu Xiao, Yi Wu, Zhaoqing Cong, Jian Jian Li, Yuanpei Li, Lei Wang*, Kit S. Lam*. Transformable peptide nanoparticles arrest HER2 signalling and cause cancer cell death in vivo. Nature Nanotechnology 2020, 15, 145-153. (IF: 31.538)
- Lu Zhang, Yi Wu, Xingbin Yin, Zheng Zhu, Tatu Rojalin, Wenwu Xiao, Dalin Zhang, Yanyu Huang, Longmeng Li, Christopher M. Baehr, Xingjian Yu, Yousif Ajena, Yuanpei Li, Lei Wang* and Kit S. Lam*. Tumor Receptor-Mediated In Vivo Modulation of the Morphology, Phototherapeutic Properties, and Pharmacokinetics of Smart Nanomaterials. ACS Nano 2020, DOI: 10.1021/acsnano.0c05065 (IF: 14.588)
- Lu Zhang#, Di Jing#, Lei Wang, Yuan Sun, Jian Jian Li, Brianna Hill, Fan Yang, Yuanpei Li*, Kit S. Lam*. Unique Photochemo-Immuno-Nanoplatform against Orthotopic Xenograft Oral Cancer and Metastatic Syngeneic Breast Cancer. Nano Letters 2018, 18 (11), 7092-7103. (IF: 11.238)
- Lu Zhang#, Tinghui Yin#, Bo Li, Rongqin Zheng*, Chen Qiu, Kit S. Lam*, Qi Zhang, Xintao Shuai*. Size-Modulable Nanoprobe for High-Performance Ultrasound Imaging and Drug Delivery against Cancer. ACS Nano 2018, 12 (4), 3449-3460. (IF: 14.588)
- Hao Wu#, Lu Zhang#(Co-first), Jinfan Yang, Ruonan Bo, Hongxu Du, Kai Lin, Dalin Zhang, Mythili Ramachandran, Yingbin Shen, Yangxi Xu, Xiangdong Xue, Zhao Ma, Aaron Raymond Lindstrom, Randy Carney, Tzu-Yin Lin, Yuanpei Li. Rotatable Aggregation-Induced-Emission/Aggregation Caused-Quenching Ratio Strategy for Real-Time Tracking Nanoparticle Dynamics. Advanced Functional Materials 2020, 30 (15), 1910348. (IF: 16.836)
- Yu Guo#, Jing Wang#, Lu Zhang#(Co-first), Shunli Shen#, Ruomi Guo, Yang Yang*, Wenjie Chen, Yiru Wang, Guihua Chen*, Xintao Shuai*. Theranostical Nanosystem-Mediated Identification of An Oncogene and Highly Effective Therapy in Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Hepatology 2016, 63 (4), 1240-1255. (IF: 14.679)
- Lu Zhang, Yanyu Huang, Aaron Raymond Lindstrom, Tzu-Yin Lin, Kit S Lam, Yuanpei Li*. Peptide-based materials for cancer immunotherapy. Theranostics 2019, 9 (25), 7807-7825. (IF: 8.579)
- Lu Zhang#, Hong Xiao#, Jingguo Li, Du Cheng*, Xintao Shuai*. Co-delivery of doxorubicin and arsenite with reduction and pH dual-sensitive vesicle for synergistic cancer therapy. Nanoscale 2016, 8 (25), 12608-12617. (IF: 6.895)